The Board of Management consists of eight members:

Manager/Chairman: Elizabeth Kirk
Representative of the Patron: Elizabeth Kirk
Principal: Lesley Cahill
Teacher Representative: Casey Stirling
Parent Representative (male): Mark Bailey
Parent Representative (female): Emma Ryan
Community Representative: Barry Murphy
Community Representative: Teresa Talbot

The primary objective of every Board of Management is to ensure that the school is managed in a manner that provides all of its pupils with the best possible education.
Boards of Management of primary schools are appointed for a four year term. The Board manages the school on behalf of the Patron and is accountable to the Patron and the Minister. The Principal is responsible for the day-to- day management of the school, including guidance and direction of the teachers and other staff of the school, and is accountable to the Board for that management.

The Board adopts a child-centred approach to all of its work. It ensures the efficient use of limited resources (particularly the grants provided by the State), the public interest in the affairs of the school and accountability to students, parents and the community.
The Board must uphold the characteristic spirit (ethos) of the school and is accountable to the Patron (the Church of Ireland Archbishop of Dublin) for so doing.
The role of the Board of Management is clearly outlined in the Governance Manual for Primary Schools 2019 – 2023.

Board of Management End of Year Report 2021