This Policy Statement has been drawn up in consultation with the Board of Management, staff and parents of Springdale National School. It applies to all pupils in the school, to their parents and to all members of the school staff and management.

Relationship with the school Mission Statement:
This Policy Statement is in line with the school’s Mission Statement to recognise the variety of differences existing between children and the need to accommodate these differences where possible. The school will endeavour to ensure that the individuality of each child is taken into account, while acknowledging the right of each child to be educated in a disruption free environment. The school encourages pupils to see themselves as part of a community where all are entitled to live peacefully irrespective of age, sex, ethnic background, intelligence or family background.

The change in the composition of the Irish population is reflected in Springdale National School as it integrates students from a variety of ethnic groups. The Education Act (1998) aims to ensure the educational system respects the diversity of values, beliefs, languages and traditions in Irish society and is conducted in a spirit of partnership between schools, patrons, students, parents, teachers and other school staff.
This policy statement sets out the means by which Springdale National School will meet its obligations in this regard while safeguarding the legitimate interests of all of its pupils.

The objectives of this policy statement are to:
• create an environment where cultural diversity is acknowledged, respected, understood and celebrated.
• acknowledge and actively confront racism.
• accept that culture and equality are not just minority but majority issues and thus focus on each student’s culture including the majority culture.
• recognise that intercultural education includes the school structures, administration and curriculum.
• support a curriculum that focuses on equality and human rights rather than just illustrating cultural differences.

These objectives are achieved by the following:

Enrolment of pupils from ethnic minority groups in the school:
The Admissions Policy is open to all pupils irrespective of sex, ethnic background, special educational needs or family background.

Anti Bullying Policy
As outlined in the Anti Bullying Policy, ‘

Promotion of cultural visibility within the school:
• Displays based on role models from ethnic minority cultures placed around the school, e.g., musicians, singers, actors, sports stars, world leaders
• Multilingual signs, e.g., door signs, welcome sign

Promotion of intercultural education:
• Lessons to develop intercultural awareness (See Toolkit for Diversity in the Primary School, p. 49, for suggestions)
• Lessons outlining human rights
• Lessons to highlight issues related to racism
• Participation in Anti Racism events such as FAI/Garda Anti Racism soccer tournaments
• Use of the Toolkit for Diversity in the Primary School when teaching children for whom English is a second language

Implementation and Review Procedures:
The Policy Statement has been made available to school personnel and the Parent Teacher Association and is readily available to parents on request. A copy of this policy will be made available to the DES and the Patron if requested.
This policy will be reviewed regularly by the Board of Management.