Author: Lesley Cahill

Springdale’s Got Talent 2024

  One of our favourite events on the school calendar is our Annual Talent Show. This year our talented Springdalers exceeded all expectations! There was an amazing variety of acts; gymnastics, dramas, football skills, singing and dancing, to name but a few. Our performers certainly showed once again that Springdale’s Got Talent!! It was great […]

International Literature Festival 2024

Over the last fortnight, every child in Springdale had the chance to travel by DART to Merrion Square for this year’s International Literature Festival. With the sun shining, as an added bonus, they enjoyed sessions with well known authors who kept them entertained! 4th Class learnt how to defend dragons with Katie & Kevin Tsang, […]

Action in Morton Stadium 2024

Despite the cold, wet weather in Morton Stadium, Santry, our athletes did us proud in this year’s Santry Sports athletic events. They competed in the high jump, the long jump, shot putt, relays and individual races. Their behaviour was exemplary and they all showed great sportsmanship, both on and off the track. You might catch […]

Up the Dubs!

Thanks to Ciaráin, our GAA coach, for bringing the Sam Maguire Cup to Springdale yesterday. There was plenty of excitement as you can see below. Even Sam, our dog who loves reading, had a sniff of the cup! We hope to see the cup again next year.      

Bike Week 2024

We are delighted to see so many children cycling to school this week, Bike Week 2024. As you can see, our bike shelters are packed today. In total 64 children cycled or scooted to school this morning. To celebrate and promote cycling, 4th & 6th Class pupils enjoyed cycling training in St. Anne’s Park delivered […]

What’s Cooking in Springdale NS

Thanks to the PTA, pupils from 1st upwards enjoyed a sensory cooking class with Deidre from the Cool Food School on Friday, 10th May. They had the opportunity to take each ingredient and examine it  while preparing healthy apple donuts. If you would like to try their recipe, you will find it below. Thanks to […]

On Your Bike!

The Green-Schools Travel programme aims to encourage more students to regularly cycle. As a green school, we love to see our Springdalers cycling to school.  We all know the many environmental and health benefits to cycling/scooting to school so it is great to see both our bike shelters packed with bikes and scooters, and not […]

Climbing to 2nd Place

Huge congratulations to our 4th Class Climbing Team who won silver in the final of this year’s National Climbing Competition! Many thanks to Ms. Anucuta for getting them there and cheering them on. Comhghairdeas libh go léir!    

Out & About with 6th Class

                    6th Class had a very busy day on Tuesday 23rd April. It started off with a trip to the remains of the Gunpowder Tower in Dublin Castle. This was where archaeologists uncovered the ruins of an earlier Viking settlement. Having toured the old part of […]

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2024

Bhí an chraic againn ar scoil i rith Seachtain na Gaeilge. Bhí seó tallainne againn ar an gCéadaoin. Bhí daoine ag canadh, ag damhsa agus ag seinm ceoil. Bhí Cluiche Ciaróg ag Rang 1 & Rang 2 agus bhí an spraoi acu go léir.                     Ar […]