Upcoming events for the school year
Event Information:
Fri07Apr201711:00 amSpringdale NS
Easter Raffle
That time of the year again when our Easter raffle & cake sale will be taking place. This year it’s being held on the last day of term in association with Temple Street Hospital’s 2017 Great Irish Bake where 50% of all cake sale proceeds will be donated : Friday 7th April. Tickets are €2 each or 6 for €10. The draw will take place towards the end of the cake sale and the PTA would welcome any cake, breads & cookie donations which can be dropped into the school kitchen on the morning of the sale. Please note that Springdale National School is a nut free environment so please ensure that any cooking donations are free from nuts - including Nutella! Diabetic or Gluten Free baked goods also wanted if anyone fancies a challenge! Finally, please make sure that any containers are labelled so we may return them afterwards.